Smartphone-optimized version of MaintenanceBenelux

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Last modified: 9 May 2023
Article image of: Smartphone-optimized version of MaintenanceBenelux

The website is frequently used by more than 17,000 visitors per month. More and more checked on a smartphone. Then the website, which is packed with information for maintenance management in the process industry, is not easily readable. Therefore, there is now a special smartphone version. When you open the website on your phone, it automatically displays the version with a clear and readable menu. Each item is then easy to read on your screen and it is not necessary to zoom in again. So anytime and anywhere you can obtain valuable information about suppliers (with phone numbers and e-mail capability) in an easy way . But also find the answer to the question: who supplies ….? And quickly check the latest news or check the calendar. In short, all the information, easy to read, always in your pocket!

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