Eriks strengthens its position in technical rubber and sealing technology

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55 views Last modified: 9 May 2023
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ERIKS bv has reached an agreement in principle to acquire Alfa Techniek bv in Almere, the Netherlands.
Alfa Techniek is part of MRC Transmark and holds a strong position in the development and the supply of innovative products of rubber technology, sealing technology and connectors in de Dutch and European markets.
The company supplies its products directly to the machine and equipment construction and realises sales of € 9 million (of which 70% in the Netherlands and the remaining part in the rest of Europe) with approximately 14 employees.

By acquiring Alfa Techniek, ERIKS strengthens its position in the field of technical rubber and sealing technology. For many international machine and equipment constructors, Alfa Techniek acts as partner in development and as supplier. The co-engineering and sourcing know-how is an enhancement for ERIKS. Moreover, the European customers of Alfa Techniek are an excellent basis for ERIKS’ strategy to expand its activities in the field of technical rubber and sealing technology in Europe.

The activities of Alfa Techniek will be integrated into the business unit Rubber Technology and Sealing Technology of ERIKS bv. Alfa Techniek will continue its activities from its operation in Almere. Page 1 / 1

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ERIKS Nederland

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