The industrial mass flow meter for compressed air and technical gasses

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Last modified: 9 May 2023
Article image of: The industrial mass flow meter for compressed air and technical gasses

VPInstruments has changed the design of her proprietary flow sensor. Due to this new flow sensor design and a review of our calibration protocol, we offer now our insertion flow meters with one flow range; with good accuracy over the entire flow range. This flow range combines the accuracy in the low flow ranges of the old version with flow range up to 80 mn/sec, with the flow range extension of our model up to 150 mn/sec. The new flow range, 0.5..150 mn /sec, combines all benefits. With only one model you are now equipped for all your compressed air and gas flow measurements. Selecting the right flow meter has never been so easy!

Both our VPFlowMate and VPFlowScope mass flow meters are from now on delivered with this new sensor. When required, the 4..20mA output can be scaled to match your application.

The VPFlowMate is the industrial mass flow meter for your flow measurements of compressed air and technical gasses. VPFlowScope is the all-in-one instrument that measures three parameters simultaneously: mass flow, pressure and temperature.

For more information, please contact us.

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